Monday, July 23, 2012

Depth of field using colour

These images illustrate the way colour can be used to create depth of field. Hue, saturation and value can be used to create depth of field:

Hue - Warm reds and yellows make up the foreground cooling to greens and blues in the distance.
Saturation - Bright colours in the foreground fade to grey in the distance.
Level (shade) - On a dark background start with bright colours and darken into the distance.
Level (tint) - On a light background start with dark colours and lighten into the distance.

Word/Type Mix and Match

Monday, May 21, 2012

ideas for creative project

  1. create a design for an app
  2. invent a product or business. design a logo in illustrator use photoshop to place the created object in an ad for a magazine, billboard or web page.
  3. design a cd cover and poster for a band
  4. design a billboard for a new car
  5. design a promo screen for a movie or tv show
  6. design a magazine cover